5 Features That Your Label Design Tool Must Have
Right from identification of the product, to promoting it, labels solve several purposes for the retailers. Consumers always read the labels while buying any product in order to check the ingredients, expiry dates and the benefits. Many a times, people neglect the importance of well designed labels. But when it comes to generating good revenues, the quality of labels is all that matters.
The trend of designing bespoke products is in and if you want to provide your consumers with the freedom to design their own labels, you must buy a good quality tool for your store. Here are some of the qualities your label design software must have:
Choosing the purpose
Labels can be used for several purposes like making a price tag, creating wine labels and providing nutritional information. The shape, size and the colour of the label should match with the type of the product it is going to be used for. So make sure your tool offers the option of choosing from different types and sizes of labels manually and also give the option to choose from the given list.
Content creation
Every label bears some or the other information including the brand name, ingredients, quantity and nutritional information. The tool should have different formats, fonts and colour options so that the customer can choose the one that goes the best with the description of the product. Positioning the text at the right place is also important. Different settings for aligning the text horizontally or vertically should also be provided.
Image uploader
With an estore, there is a limitation of adding the label manually. To make this possible, the tool should have an option to upload the image of the product for which the label is being designed for. Once the user uploads the image of the product from their PC, it becomes easier to virtually see how the label will look on the product. Variations can be tried out to check which label suits the best on the product.
Liberty to design
Design templates, themed backgrounds, ample amount of colours and photographs are a crucial part of designing feature of any tool. Being creative with labels is very important as it creates the impression for the brand. Your tool should also provide the option of editing images and placing them rightly on the product. This will make your tool user-friendly and the customers would like to create different types of labels by using it.
Expert advice
Apart from the functionalities provided by the tool, you can also consider the option of adding a support chat option to your store. There are times when the customers do not have idea about how to go about designing the labels. Through the chat, experts of your store can offer their advice to the customers and suggest the labels that will go with their products. They can also provide help in case of any confusion with the usage of tool.
There are several tools available in the market for designing t-shirts, shoes, labels, signs and banners. Inculcate one of these into your estore and you are sure to attract a lot of traffic on your website. Tailored products are always in demand amongst customers. Make sure that you make the most out of this trend, avoid common mistakes and generate better ROI for your business.